Kyle, Keven, Kim, Kendra, Jan, Kerry, Carol

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two Years in the Making

I'm on Night Duty helping with our new little grandson, Owen Kyle's feeding schedule. Little Owen was born just shy of two weeks ago, April 30, 2010. He is the first born child of our Daughter Kendra and husband, Miles Wright. Isn't he adorable? (Actually, he was only 9 months in the making.)

It's THIS BLOG that has taken me two years to get somewhat presentable. In reality it's taken me Waaaaaaay over two hours on one night to arrange background, colors, text, font, etc. etc. I had to barter with Miles a month's worth of "new baby" live-in nanny assistance in exchange for his computer expertise. I'll get it all together soon enough. Maybe if I threaten to go on strike, he'll forge me into a "CBG" - Computer Blog Guru. Either that, or he'll send me home.

Oh well, what else should I be doing while waiting for baby Owen to awaken? ... Sleep??
Good idea.


Roger and Jackie Harris said...

It looks AMAZING Carol. I think you've got.

Linda said...

Hey, good job on the blog! And congrats on baby Owen!